Lake Community
Littleton Food Distribution
Littleton Food Distribution
Offering a warm meal and a smile to our neighbors in Jesus Name!
Neighborhood Bible Study
Neighborhood Bible Study
Discipleship and fellowship outside the church building!
Community Services
Community Services
Whether social distancing or simply enjoying the changing seasons...we go OUT to preach the Gospel!
Adventurers (and Craft Fair)
Adventurers (and Craft Fair)
Our senior adult ministry runs an annual craft fair, as well as monthly lunches and fun trips to sights unseen!
Fishers of Men and Sportsman's Banquet
Fishers of Men and Sportsman's Banquet
Being in the lake community we seek to find common ground with outdoor enthusiasts to share the Gospel!
Blood Drive and community organizations
Blood Drive and community organizations
We love to use our buildings to host organizations seeking to do good!